Read More to Be More

You’re reading this right now. Why did you click on this article and why are you continuing to read it? The reasons- reading is relevant, stimulating, and vital for having an enriched life. Not everything you read will draw you in, but encounters with the written word have numerous perks. Such is the case for […]
If Your Child is Struggling in School

If Your Child is Struggling in School- Mrs. Audrey gives advice Raising Arizona Kids Magazine Fall 2023 Page 38 page 38
Tutor Talk with Mrs. Audrey-Reading-It’s Elementary

Take a moment and conjure up memories of your elementary school days. Did your mind race back to yellow buses transporting you on field trips to museums, crafting tri-fold poster boards for the science fair, nervously presenting an oral report, and the excitement as the lights dimmed for the school theatrical performance? What do all […]