Take a moment and conjure up memories of your elementary school days. Did your mind race back to yellow buses transporting you on field trips to museums, crafting tri-fold poster boards for the science fair, nervously presenting an oral report, and the excitement as the lights dimmed for the school theatrical performance? What do all of these things have in common? In order to be involved in any of these, you had to know how to read. At no other time is mastering the art of reading as critical as during the elementary school years.

Academic success in every arena is dependent upon grasping the fundamental skill of reading. As your child progresses through the grades, he is expected to move from reading a simplistic primer, to understanding and assimilating facts and complex information. In my tutoring sessions, I see that children who haven’t made the leap to fast fluent reading, begin at this juncture to fall behind and for most of them, the gap will continue to grow unless academic support is pursued.
You can ensure that your child is an adept reader. Surround your child with opportunities to read and discuss books. Dedicate a specific time each day for family reading. Take turns in which you read a page and then your youngster reads a page. This engages the reluctant reader and makes comprehension more attainable. Build on your child’s interests by providing books and magazines that focus on their interests and hobbies.
Just as reading with and to your child is crucial, so is encouraging independent reading. The amount of autonomous reading students do significantly influences their reading ability. As their aptitude increases, so will their enjoyment. When they love being immersed in written material, they no doubt will want to do it more often…. a wonderful cycle to reinforce!
Create a wonderfully memorable elementary school experience for your child by making certain that your child is a proficient reader. Not only will he or she get more out of elementary school, but having a literary-infused life will open up a world of joy and opportunities for years to come.
see our Medium article here: https://medium.com/@mrs.audreysacademicachievement/tutor-talk-with-mrs-audrey-reading-its-elementary-d6917aad4c96