You’re reading this right now. Why did you click on this article and why are you continuing to read it? The reasons- reading is relevant, stimulating, and vital for having an enriched life. Not everything you read will draw you in, but encounters with the written word have numerous perks. Such is the case for your children!
Exposure to books offers mental stimulation unlike anything else. It boosts their imagination and has the ability to enhance their creativity. When reading is performed as a solitary act, it not only silences all the noise around a child, but halts their inner dialogue. This gives them pause to concentrate on something outside of themselves. When they put the book down, they will have better focus and be able to think more clearly.
Reading to or with your youngster connects you in a way unparalleled to any other experience. You are both immersed in an altered world and are on that journey together. It’s a shared involvement that even time cannot unravel.
Engaging with books is a journey that spans a lifetime. Conversing with very young children is crucial, but providing them experiences with written material allows them to hear different voices and expands their escalating vocabulary. It’s never too early to introduce a baby or toddler to books. The joyous bond created between the enthusiastic reader and the engaged listener sets in motion a wonderful and productive path towards literacy.

Most of us have heard the dictum that kids should read for at least 15 minutes per day. Regular reading makes for more adept readers. Children can get lost in a character’s foibles or transport themselves to a distant place or era. As a seasoned tutor, I believe early and ongoing interactions with books are the key to achieving academically. It creates better writers, thinkers, and communicators.
You’re still reading this article. Maybe something resonated with you. Perhaps it makes you want to put down this newspaper and head to the library with your son or daughter. If that’s the case, GO! Reading will ignite your senses!
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